20200909 Museum

North Myrtle Beach Museum
Lou Martino
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The ODSC Dance Team was asked to give a brief history and to demonstrate the Shag Dance at the North Myrtle Beach Museum on September 08, 2020 at 9:30am. by Cathy Altman, Executive Director.
With the restrictions and safety precautions due to Covid-19 it was recommended that only two members of the dance team provide the information being requested. All safety measures were taken. Each person that was a part of the event wore a mask, practiced social distancing and there was plenty of hand sanitizer made available.
The group represented the NMB Chamber’s Marketing Agency. Our local President and CEO of the North Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce Cheryl Kilday was accompanied by three young ladies from the Miles Partnership, the Creative and Marketing company for the North Myrtle Beach Chamber out of Florida.
Linda Campbell gave a 15-minute talk on the history of the Shag Dance and the impact that it has on our community.
Following her talk, we demonstrated the Shag Dance. Then we taught the group the basic steps. The group picked up the steps very easily and were very enthusiastic in wanting to learn.
After the lessons, we were asked if we could go to Florida and teach the Shag Dance in their community. Well….
I would also like to recognize the NMB Museum and the Executive Director, Cathy Altman. She has always asked the ODSC Dance Team to come to the Museum and promote and preserve the Shag. If you have not been to the Museum, take the time to visit. There is a wealth of information there. It’s free and worth the trip.
Thank you, Cathy, for the invitation and thank you for keeping the Shag alive.
Thanks to Linda Campbell and Lou Martino for taking the time to take part in this event.