20180114 SOS Brunch

Mid Winter SOS Brunch
Nancy Sook
A fabulous time was had by all 232(209 members, 9 guests,8 junior shaggers and 6 others in their party) at the midwinter brunch held at the od arcade, Sunday, January 14, 2018.
We danced to tunes played by the crazy as ever, Murl Augustine, drank adult beverages and dined on a delicious brunch of scrambled eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, biscuits and fruit prepared by the staff of the arcade.
We all watched and cheered as the junior shaggers awed us with their moves.
Then hoped our numbers would be called, but the winners were: name tag, Kathy Jamiolkowski, logo, Becki Roberts and the 50/50 winner of $288 was Ed Shiflett. Ed kindly donated his money to the junior shaggers.
The club’s half of $287 was donated to the junior shaggers along with a bucket full of money.
A special guest, Svein-arne Nordkvelle from Norway, where he has his own shag club of 25 members, was introduced. Too soon it was noon, Murl finished and we’ll be back for spring safari.
Click here to see Photos of this event.
Photos by Lou Martino