20180512 Mayfest

Golf Cart Sales at Mayfest
Jim Palmieri
Click here to see Photos of the Golf Sales
A very big thank you to all of you who worked the Golf Cart Booth at Mayfest May 12, 2018. We sold a total of 449 tickets worth $2,245. Everybody did such a great job. The heat and Taylor Dane did not get the best of you. That being said, kudos need to go out to our 4:00-6:00 pm group. One and a half hours of their selling time was while she was up on the stage (screeching), and another half hour during booth tear-down, and they still sold almost 70 tickets.
There were a few questions regarding our sales recap. In the end, we came in right on the money. We did have one lady (retired veteran on a walker) who only had 4 dollars. We used donation money to cover the $1 so that she could buy a ticket. Even our North Myrtle Beaches finest bought a ticket.
Filling the time slots for today were more difficult than for SOS but you guys came through for us. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks to you, we now have sold 2,235 of our 3,000 tickets.
Once again, thank you.
Photos by Lou Martino