20180526 Cook Out

Cook Out
Linda Campbell
Click Here to see photos of this event
This past Saturday, May 26, was the rescheduled date for the Annual OD Shag Club Cookout at Savilles on 2nd. It was a beautiful day full of sunshine and everyone looking forward to being outside. Corn hole sign ups began around 3:30pm with the tournament beginning at 4:00pm. Also, beginning around that time, the smell of charcoal was in the air as Donnie and Wendy Schultz and their mighty crew began the cooking of the hot dogs and hamburgers for over 192 members present to enjoy the spread. Delicious desserts were set up inside that were prepared and brought by the members.
President Linda Campbell gave announcements and the winners of the Corn hole tournament.
1st Place: Billy Powell Carol Meyer
2nd Place: Marty Bonnett Bud Malcolm
“Dead Ass Last”- Bob Miller Jackie Perdue
Special trophies made by Wendy Schultz were presented to the winners along with a cash prize for a bar tab at Savilles on 2nd.
DJ Milton White kept the floor full for all those inside wanting to hear their favorite tunes played. Special recognition was given to all the veterans present in honor of Memorial Day prior to picking the winning ticket for the 50/50 to Vic Gillespie.
Photos by Lou Martino