20181007 Golf Tlournament

ODSC Foundation Charity Golf Tournament
Tina Tomberlin
Click Here to see Photos of this Event
Sunday October 7ththe OD Shag Club Foundation hosted the 28thannual Charity Golf Tournament at the Valley at Eastport Golf Club. For the first time in event history the tourney had to be rescheduled due to Hurricane Florence. Even with the change of date we still had over 80 golfers participate! The day brought beautiful blue skies, temperatures in the mid 80’s and a couple of quick downpours but all in all it was a great day for raising money for local charities.
Kudos to the Golf Tournament Committee for basically planning two tournaments this year. Glenn Strange, Ken Myer, Bob Miller, Terry McCoy, Donna Strange, Karen Young and Monica Powell had worked very hard in planning the tournament to be held during SOS, but because of Hurricane Florence they had to contact everyone to postpone the tournament. As soon as power was restored and roads were opened they got together and starting planning a make-up date. They did a fantastic job contacting all golfers, volunteers and vendors to reschedule the event. There is always a lot of hard work in making this event a success but this year the committee worked doubly hard and we REALLY appreciate all their time and effort!!!
As with any event there is so much behind the scenes work. It takes many volunteers to pull off something of this magnitude so let me give a big shout out to the following:
Breakfast: Jesse Backer, Billie Reitz and John and Lori Setzer
Registration: Carol Myer and Joyce Girling
Mulligans: Tina Tomberlin
Raffle Tickets: Nancy Sook, John Setzer and Karen and Rich Young
Liquid Sunshine: Bob Sanders
Bag Drop: Cindy Day and Linda Campbell
Whiffle Ball Drive: Cindy Day and Lori Setzer
Putting Contest: Joyce Girling and Carol Myer
Beverage Stands: Diane Millman, Paulette Miller, Nancy Sook and Linda Campbell
Beverage Support: Larry Jones, Billy Powell, Terry McCoy and John Setzer
Photography: Lou Martino
Clean Up: Jesse Backer, Billie Reitz, Mike and Bonnie Bejzak
Tournament Day Manager: Ken Myer
Tournament Day Admin: Monica Powell
Tournament Day Raffle Prizes: Karen and Rich Young
Thank you to everyone for your hard work and willingness to volunteer. It’s events like this that bring us together and generate a feeling of comradery but more than that we had a blast!!!