20200210 Del WEb

Del Web Residents
Lou Martino
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The OD Shag Club Dance Team was invited to Del Web at Grand Dunes Active Adult Community in Myrtle Beach to perform and instruct the Shag Dance on February 10, 2020 at 6:00PM.
We were introduced to a very enthusiastic crowd of residents at Del Web. This is a new facility in Myrtle Beach for over 50 located at 62nd Ave N. Myrtle Beach.
There were 20 plus couples in attendance. After a quick history of Shag by Linda Campbell, there was a demonstration of the different styles of the dance by each of the couples on the team.
We then divided the group by male and female and began our instruction. Most participates learned the steps very fast. This was the first introduction to the Shag Dance for all of the participants
Thanks to our POC Laureen Buckler, Lifestyle Director at Del Web for inviting us to your facility.
A special thanks to the members of the dance team that participated in this event: Barry Dyer, Lori Setzer, Rich Jamiolkowski, Barbara Hooper, Cathy Jamiolkowski, Bonnie Bejzak, Mike Bejzak, Linda Campbell, John Setzer, Donna Williams, Burnie Williams, Diane Millman, and Bill Millman.
Photos by Linda Campbell