20210320 Drive Thru

March Drive Thru
Donna Williams
Click Here to see Photos of this Event
We celebrated the first day of Spring with our March Drive Thru Saturday March 20, 2021. Though it did not feel much like we think of as Spring weather, it was a day of joy just seeing our members and fellow workers at another OD. Shag Club event. In spite of the wind, cold and rain it was a great day to be out and about and see all the great people we have missed so much. 148 people came through with their mask on to buy golf cart tickets and get their chicken and goodies barbecued by Terry and crew and served by our great volunteers. Thanks to all who attended, bought tickets and shared their smiles and laughter with all of us who were so delighted to see them. Until next time, stay safe and be well.
Photos by Lou Martino