OD Shag Club – Beginner & Intermediate Shag Lessons
The OD Shag club will be offering free shag classes to members only. The classes are taught by Darrell Gaither and Lori Setzer.
These are progressive lessons – classes built on steps taught on the previous weeks. Please try to attend all 6 weeks of classes.
Beginner Class:
- basic step
- female turn
- male turn
- start of the dance
- other basics.
Intermediate Class: You must be able to do the basics to attend the intermediate class.
- Pivot
- Bellyroll
- Lead/follow steps
- Time permitting, we will add male/female leads.
Please wear your OD Shag Club name tag.
Location: Back room at Fat Harold’s
Times: Beginner: 5pm
Intermediate: 5:45pm