20161205 Manor Christmas

Myrtle Beach Manor Christmas Event
Linda Campbell
To See Pictures Of This Event Click Here
On Monday, December 5th, the members of the OD Shag Club along with several “celebrities” entertained the residents of the Myrtle Beach Manor.
Our own local celebrity and top recording artist/DJ, Paul Craver started the evening off by singing several songs including several of the resident’s favorite Christmas tunes. He is always loved and very welcomed and a great way to get the party started.
The pace picked up when the Jr Shaggers came to showcase their dancing by JP Stevenson and his partner, Hanna dancing and burning up the floor to a great Christmas Shag song. John Barringer proceeded on the floor with a walker, however, pushed it aside to dance with Jr, Lizzie Batten and showed that “Seniors” can keep up with the “Juniors”. Great Job you two! Also, keeping with that theme, Joe Ferlauto, holding his back walking to his partner, Riley Edgewood, kept up the pace to another Christmas song as well. Old…not in this club!
Next our own Dance Demo Team entertained the residents and they danced to 2 songs. Then Lou Martino had his hands full as he danced with Nancy Sook, Diane Tindall, Connie Livingston, and Cathy Jamiolkowski all at the same time. Great performance from them as they showed some fancy footwork together.
National Dance Champions winning the Masters Division 2010 Earl and Beverly Robinson were so smooth on the floor as they danced and show the residents another side to the shag dance. Smooth so very smooth!
The Ladies of the OD Shag Club distributed and pinned beautiful brooches for the ladies of the manor.
Another celebrity was introduced and the residents had big smiles on their faces as the one and only Elvis came and sang several of his songs and gave out beads to the ladies (and some of the men too).
Pro Shaggers National Champions Bill Seymour and Sheila Blazer entertained the crowd by showing off their dancing and why they were named champions.
A surprise visit by two more celebrities- the mouse kind: as Mickey and Minnie Mouse came and said hello to each and every resident there.
Elvis returned and sang several Christmas carols, including “Here comes Santa Claus” as Santa “Ho Ho Ho’d” his way into the room, followed by his pretty Christmas elf playing her Sleigh Bells and you should have seen the excitement in the eyes of all the residents!
Santa was helped by the OD Shag Club members to give out poinsettias and gift bags as a token of remembrance from the club as we sang Christmas carols and mingled with each resident. The evening wound down to the tunes of “White Christmas” and “Silent Night” and then closed to “God Bless America” as we said our goodbyes to the residents.
Thank you to so many of the OD Shag Club members who took time of the their busy schedules to come and share this little bit of “merriment” with them. As we all know, it is we who gets the reward from it as we see the look in their eyes and the smiles on their faces to the delight that they feel. So, a big THANK YOU to you ALL!
Many thanks to Joe Ferlauto who for many years has been instrumently in arranging all the talent and activities of this annual event and he will be greatly missed. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES JOE!!