20170505 New Members Meet And Greet

New Member Meet and Greet
Linda Campbell
Click Here to see Photos of this event
May 5th, the backroom of Fat Harold’s began to fill with excitement and anticipation as the OD Shag Club held its first New Member Social for 2017. A big shout out goes to all those who helped to make this social a great success. Snacks were provided by Faye Chowning, Wendy and Donnie Shultz, and the Food Committee. Also, special thanks to Tina Tomberlin and Monica Powell for checking in the membership as they arrived. A fun game of “Human Treasure Hunt” was introduced by Linda Campbell, where members had to search for someone who was on their list of 15 different activities, giving them an opportunity to break the ice and get to know each other. During the game, Lou Martino took pictures of the new members for the Year Book. Terry McCoy introduced the 2017 Board and also each Committee Chair had a chance to explain what their committee did for the club and solicit each new member’s help. Afterwards, the DJ playing for the night in the backroom began to play his music so that we could stay and dance for the remainder of our time.
Please make sure to find these members on the yearbook and help them to feel very welcomed at each of our parties.