Diva Marathon
Lou Martino

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It was a brisk morning at 6AM when Lou Martino began setting up the music prior to the Diva Marathon May 7, 2017. Yes, it was a little brisk but a great day for the running of the 2017 Annual Diva Marathon. The Location of the OD Shag Club Dance Team to dance for the runners was to be at Hillside and 2nd Ave North in North Myrtle Beach.
The Diva Marathon is very well organized and it is the 4th invitation that the OD Shag Club Dance Team has been asked to participate in this event. Our point of contact is Katherine Stimson who is the owner of K Stimson Events, LLC. Out of Dallas, Texas. She is very professional when contacting and arranging this event.
The runners start promptly at 7AM with the first runner reaching our area around 7:20AM. The North Myrtle Beach Department assists with traffic at our location so there is no disruption to the runners.
At first there are just a few runners at the beginning, and then around 7:40AM there are literally 100’s of Diva’s lining the streets. You can see them from the length of 2nd Ave N heading East to Hillside. The runners range from babies being pushed in strollers to 80 years young. They are a happy group. Many of the runners as they pass our area show their appreciation to the OD Shag Club Dance Team for coming out to support them by giving our team a high five and many of the Diva’s do dance in the streets as they run by.
Not only did the OD Shag Club Dance Team provide the music, we also danced in the street to support the Runners. We even had the opportunity to teach a few of the runners how to shag, as well as dancing with many of the runners who already knew how to shag. Although, we had to wear jackets and non-dancing shoes since we danced on the pavement the OD Shag Club Dance Team did their thing and provided the entertainment for an energetic crowd.
After the race, many of the runners stopped by and acknowledged how appreciative they were that we were there to support them and did posed for pictures.
Thanks go out to those Dance Team members who participated in this event:
From left to right: Rich Jamiolkowski, John Setzer, Donna Williams, Lori Setzer, Burnie Williams, Cathy Jamiolkowski, Lou Martino, Bill Millman, Diane Millman, Linda Wilson, Barbara Hopper, Jim Palmieri, and Monica Palmieri.
Diva Marathon
Lou Martino
Click Here to see Photos of this Event
It was a brisk morning at 6AM when Lou Martino began setting up the music prior to the Diva Marathon May 7, 2017. Yes, it was a little brisk but a great day for the running of the 2017 Annual Diva Marathon. The Location of the OD Shag Club Dance Team to dance for the runners was to be at Hillside and 2nd Ave North in North Myrtle Beach.
The Diva Marathon is very well organized and it is the 4th invitation that the OD Shag Club Dance Team has been asked to participate in this event. Our point of contact is Katherine Stimson who is the owner of K Stimson Events, LLC. Out of Dallas, Texas. She is very professional when contacting and arranging this event.
The runners start promptly at 7AM with the first runner reaching our area around 7:20AM. The North Myrtle Beach Department assists with traffic at our location so there is no disruption to the runners.
At first there are just a few runners at the beginning, and then around 7:40AM there are literally 100’s of Diva’s lining the streets. You can see them from the length of 2nd Ave N heading East to Hillside. The runners range from babies being pushed in strollers to 80 years young. They are a happy group. Many of the runners as they pass our area show their appreciation to the OD Shag Club Dance Team for coming out to support them by giving our team a high five and many of the Diva’s do dance in the streets as they run by.
Not only did the OD Shag Club Dance Team provide the music, we also danced in the street to support the Runners. We even had the opportunity to teach a few of the runners how to shag, as well as dancing with many of the runners who already knew how to shag. Although, we had to wear jackets and non-dancing shoes since we danced on the pavement the OD Shag Club Dance Team did their thing and provided the entertainment for an energetic crowd.
After the race, many of the runners stopped by and acknowledged how appreciative they were that we were there to support them and did posed for pictures.
Thanks go out to those Dance Team members who participated in this event:
From left to right: Rich Jamiolkowski, John Setzer, Donna Williams, Lori Setzer, Burnie Williams, Cathy Jamiolkowski, Lou Martino, Bill Millman, Diane Millman, Linda Wilson, Barbara Hopper, Jim Palmieri, and Monica Palmieri.