The Lakes at Litchfield
Linda Campbell

Click Here to see Photos of this event
It was forecasted for rain, rain, and more rain. But like they say in South Carolina, just wait a few minutes and the weather will change and so it did. The Dance Team was invited to The Lakes at Litchfield in Pawley’s Island. The event was for the Dance Team to dance for the residents the first day and then for the Marketing Personnel the second day. Well the rain did keep us from dancing the first day. Yes, we got rained out, however, we did decide to go the second day rain or shine.
Although it was humid outside, the Dance Team performed well. We are getting use to dancing rain or shine, early or late, because of those who want to learn and those who have been dancing awhile. It all is about promoting the Shag Dance and instructing those who want to learn.
We danced just as well outside as we do inside. The results are the same. We always are welcomed with warmth and hospitality. Not to mention the fun we have dancing. The team is growing and enjoying every minute we get to dance.
At this event, we danced to the Marsha Morgan’s Band. We had a great dance floor under the tent. Each couple got to dance and perform while many of the invited guests looked on. After the team danced, we were able to teach several guests. Some of them already knew how to Shag. The dance floor was crowded. We had the opportunity to meet several leads to other events and looking forward to making contact with them.
Thanks goes out to Kellie Jayroe the Social Director for the Lakes at Litchfield for inviting us to dance at their event.
Thank the dance team members that attended this event: Burnie and Donna Williams, Vic Gillespie, Linda Wilson, Callie White, Bill and Diane Millman, Lenny Gardner, Rich and Cathy Jamiolkowski, Barbara Hopper, Bob Geisler, Cherie Patalik, Ted Sobol, John and Lori Setzer, Linda Campbell, and Lou Martino.
The Lakes at Litchfield
Linda Campbell
Click Here to see Photos of this event
It was forecasted for rain, rain, and more rain. But like they say in South Carolina, just wait a few minutes and the weather will change and so it did. The Dance Team was invited to The Lakes at Litchfield in Pawley’s Island. The event was for the Dance Team to dance for the residents the first day and then for the Marketing Personnel the second day. Well the rain did keep us from dancing the first day. Yes, we got rained out, however, we did decide to go the second day rain or shine.
Although it was humid outside, the Dance Team performed well. We are getting use to dancing rain or shine, early or late, because of those who want to learn and those who have been dancing awhile. It all is about promoting the Shag Dance and instructing those who want to learn.
We danced just as well outside as we do inside. The results are the same. We always are welcomed with warmth and hospitality. Not to mention the fun we have dancing. The team is growing and enjoying every minute we get to dance.
At this event, we danced to the Marsha Morgan’s Band. We had a great dance floor under the tent. Each couple got to dance and perform while many of the invited guests looked on. After the team danced, we were able to teach several guests. Some of them already knew how to Shag. The dance floor was crowded. We had the opportunity to meet several leads to other events and looking forward to making contact with them.
Thanks goes out to Kellie Jayroe the Social Director for the Lakes at Litchfield for inviting us to dance at their event.
Thank the dance team members that attended this event: Burnie and Donna Williams, Vic Gillespie, Linda Wilson, Callie White, Bill and Diane Millman, Lenny Gardner, Rich and Cathy Jamiolkowski, Barbara Hopper, Bob Geisler, Cherie Patalik, Ted Sobol, John and Lori Setzer, Linda Campbell, and Lou Martino.