20180120 Clean Sweep

Post-SOS Clean Sweep
Bill Bacon
Click here to see Photos of this event.
Phot0s by Lou Martino
Hello ODSC Members,
Saturday, January 20th, a near record group of 29 members of the OD Shag Club braved the cold to turn out at Deckerz at 8:30 AM for our annual Mid-Winter Clean Sweep! After enjoying some of Hardee’s finest biscuits and Dunkin Donuts coffee, the group managed to collect 30 bags of trash and refuse from the streets and parking lots of North Myrtle Beach from the intersection of US 17 and Main to Ocean Blvd and from Main Street to 5th Ave North and South on Ocean Blvd. We were pleased to see a lot of new members turn out as well as a lot of the usual suspects.
For those of you who have never come to a Clean Sweep, you may not believe it, but we do have a good time! For any of you who have stopped coming, if your health permits, I think you might enjoy coming back! Sometimes it pays to participate as New Member Paulette Custer found $10.00!
We hope as many members as possible are able to come to our next Clean Sweep which is presently scheduled for Cinco de Mayo which is the first Saturday after Spring SOS.