20180215 Sea Turtles Meeting

Sea Turtles Meeting
Lou Martino
Click here to see photos of this event
The OD Shag Club Dance Team was invited to dance and instruct at the Grand Dunes Marriott Hotel in Myrtle Beach on February 15, 2018 at 8PM in the Atlantic Ballroom. Our point of contact for this event was Event planner Jessica M Cutler, DMCP of Myrtle Beach.
The event was for the Southeast Regional Sea Turtle Meeting which was held at the Grand Dunes Marriott in Myrtle Beach, SC from February 12, 2018 thru February 15, 2018. They had a long week and wanted to see and learn the Shag Dance.
After being introduced to the Sea Turtle membership Linda Campbell the OD Shag Club Dance Team spokesperson introduced the members of the Dance Team. The average age of the members of the Sea Turtles was around 30 years young. Linda introduced the dancers at an average age of 65. There was a roar which got the attention of the group.
“Now let see what these old folks can do” was in the air. Well, as our usual routine of spot light dancing began as Lenny our eldest danced the crowd became more and more interested in what we had to offer.
When asked who would like to learn to “Shag” more than half of the Sea Turtles audience came to the floor. Such a enthusiastic group.
We had a great DJ Corey who played the music too which the team danced. It was great working with him.
Some special thanks go out to Jessica Cutler, DMCP of Myrtle Beach for the invite and the warm welcome we received from the Sea Turtles.
I would like to thank those members of the dance team that participated in this event: from left to right – Ted Sobol, Connie Livingston, Callie White, Bill Millman, Diane Millman, Cathy Jamiolkowski, Jimmy Harley, Linda Campbell, Rich Jamiolkowski, Barbara Hopper, Lenny Gardner, Donna Williams, Burnie Williams, Lou Martino, Lori Setzer, Billy Byrne, John Setzer, and Linda Wilson.
Photos by Lou Martino