20180422 SOS Brunch

Spring SOS Brunch
Donna Williams
Click Here to see Photos of this event
WOW! What a great morning for 340+ at the OD Shag Club Spring Safari Brunch. No way you can go wrong with great friends, beautiful weather, delicious food, awesome music and all the other extras that were a part of this terrific event.
Our 340+ included 304 members, 26 guest, and 10 special visitors from the Junior Shagger community. DJ Murl Augustine entertained us with great dancing music. Our breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits and fruit plus our famous happy punch was a huge success. Thanks to Wendy and Donnie, their crew, all our volunteer servers and to Pam & crew for all their work in making this such a success. Also, thanks to the Hospitality crew for working hard with sign in and information.
Linda Campbell started the morning out with a welcome to all, a few announcements and a blessing to begin the event. To take care of business, Linda asked for a vote by the members on a previously sent out change to our By-laws Section 11 Website Committee: Webmaster duties are as follows
- Ensure current web host and current domain does not expire so there is no interruption in service.
- Maintain and update the website in “real” time.
- Update the com email addresses on our web host, Executive Board information, committees, etc., by January 1st of each new year, when new administration is formed.
- Website to include: upcoming events, new members, birthday list, OD Shag Club event pictures, articles written by the Executive Board and Committee Chairs, links to OD Shag Club documents and attachments, and Committee contact information and any other information that is pertinent to the OD Shag Club.
- Update Remembrance and Condolence page.
- Maintain sponsor (advertisement) pages.
The vote resulted in a unanimous approval.
The Ways and Means committee provided a great area for people to spend minutes until their ticket color was called to eat. It was a very successful wait as the committee chairs reported “a great morning for sales”. Thanks to the committee and all who helped the buyers with the many new products.
We were entertained by the Junior Shaggers, who though smaller than usual in numbers due to “prom night” provided us with awesome dancing. The Club donated $290 (our share of the 50/50) to the junior shaggers to help defray some of their costs. Many thanks to Cathy Jamiolkowski and Billy Powell for making it possible for our donation and a special thanks from Gloria Cates as the winner of the 50/50 drawing. Our other winners were Joe Ferlauto name tag winner and Nancy Pardini logo winner.
It was a fun filled morning with happy faces and big smiles abound. All we heard when leaving the building was “this is the best one we have ever been to.” Thanks to all who made it that way.
Photos by Lou Martino