20180728 Charity Fun Run

Charity Fun Run
Tina Tomberlin
Click Here to see Photos of this event
Saturday July 28ththe ODSC hosted the annual Charity Fun Run and thankfully under sunny skies. Although the forecast had been predicting rain and thunderstorms, the weather proved to be perfect for the participants who showed up in a multitude of golf carts and cars.
The day began at the OD Arcade where 162 registered and 145 signed up to take their chance at winning one of the many prizes handed out throughout the afternoon and early evening. The next stop on the schedule was Castaways, where under bright sunshine we enjoyed cold drinks by the ocean, raffled prizes and began to see how our card hand was going to take shape…high, low or like mine, somewhere in between. After Castaways the cool air conditioning at 710 was a welcome relief as we drew another card and once again handed out more raffle prizes. From there it was on to Duck’s where more cold beverages were consumed and many of us realized it was past time to purchase a mulligan and get rid of that troublesome card that was hurting our chances of competing for the big prize money. Once the raffle prizes were given out we trekked across the street to Fat Harold’s to complete the final leg of our Fun Run.
This final stop is where many made the decision to purchase another mulligan or two to get rid of card/cards they felt were hurting their chance at the grand prizes. For several this was a gut wrenching decision. I say gut wrenching because for the first time in the history of this event we had a tie for the highest AND for the lowest hand. The players in the running knew they were close in score to another player, because you know word gets around, so when they decided to purchase a mulligan they were very aware that the card they drew could mean the difference in winning and losing. There was lots of shuffling and sliding cards around to draw that special card!
So while totaling the scores, the tension mounted and the end result was that Bob Lucas and Jeff James were tied at 59 for the Highest Hand. In true competitive fashion they decided rather than split the prize they would draw one more card and whoever drew the highest card would be declared the winner. Sooo, after one more “gut wrenching” draw, Bob Lucas walked away with the $500 prize and Jeff James took home the 2ndHighest Hand prize of $300. For the Lowest Hand Becki Roberts and Bob Miller, who happen to be friends, were tied at 7. They decided to split the prize and both took home $100. What an exciting finish to such a fun day of competition!!! And you know what…these winners weren’t even the ones who took home the most money. That honor went to Terry McCoy who won the 50/50 drawing. He walked away with $568!!! Wow what a jackpot!
HUGE thanks go to Wendy Schultz and Monica Powell co-chairs of this event, whose careful planning and hard work were paramount in the success of this fundraiser. As with any project, the success depends on not only the leaders but the team who help carry out the leader’s mission, so thanks to everyone who helped in any way. I’m not going to name names because I’m sure I would leave someone out. You know who you are so pat yourself on the back and take pride in knowing you contributed in making this fun filled event a big success. Your willingness to help is greatly appreciated!
As mentioned several times above we did hand out raffle prizes at each location. Our sincere thanks go to Allstate, Grahams Golf Cars, Synovus Bank, Karen and Rich Young, Nancy Sook, the ODSC Ways and Means Committee, OD Arcade, Castaways, 710, Duck’s and Fat Harold’s for their generous donations of items to raffle. In addition to items from these contributors we also raffled prizes of $20 and $40 at each stop along our way.
While there were many winners throughout the day the biggest winner of all was of course this year’s charity, the Junior Shagger Dance Team (a 501c3 organization.) They will use these monies to help with costs they incur during their travels to various competitions and exhibitions. As an organization whose purpose is to help promote and preserve the Shag, the OD Shag Club should be very proud to be able to help the future generation do exactly that!
Congratulations to all the winners!
Thanks to all who worked so hard!
Special thanks everyone who participated!
Until next year when hopefully I will have better luck of the draw!
Photos by Lou Martino