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20181022 Dance Team Museum

North Myrtle Beach Museum


Lou Martino

Click Here to see Photos of the Event

On October 22, 2018 the Dance Team was invited by Cathy Altman, Executive Director to demonstrate and instruct the Shag Dance at the North Myrtle Beach Area Historical Museum at 10:15AM on 2ndAve North.

The group (approximately 20 in number) we danced for Winding River Historical Society from Bolivia, NC were so willing to learn the dance that they spent more time with the dance team than they were given to learn. They were very receptive and encouraging to participate.

It was a great time and pleasure to be able to dance with the mural in the background of the legends of the Shag Dance at the Museum.

After Linda Campbell our spokesperson gave the history and origin of the Shag Dance, she introduced the Dance Team Members. Each member danced their style for one and a half minutes. We also showed how to switch partners so the spectators could see that you don’t need a partner to be able to dance if they did not have a regular partner. They were all invited to come to Fat Harold’s when they were in the area.

I would like to thank the dance team members who took their time to participate in this event: Back row: Rich and Cathy Jamiolkowski, Lori and John Setzer, Diane and Bill Millman, Callie White and Ted Sobol. Front row: Lou Martino, Cathy Altman and Linda Campbell.

Photos by Lou Martino