20190330 Chilit Extravaganza

Chili Extravaganza
Monica Palmieri
Click here to see photos of this event
It may have been a little warm outside, but it was chili inside at Fat Harold’s. The Chili Extravaganza was held on March 30th. Even though the name of our event was changed from the Chili Cook-Off, the competition was still hot and heavy to see which pot would be depleted first. The answer; those first in line.
Our Food Committee of Terry and Kathy McCoy and Paulette Miller, did an amazing job of setting up the room to ensure things ran efficiently. Also, a big thank you to our dessert servers and ticket takers who kept things running smoothly.
Twenty of our members shared their greatest chili recipes with 150 members. Many thanks to those who cooked all day to provide the feast. The Food Committee supplied the cheese, crackers and all the chili fixins to make for a great meal, not to mention all of cookies and brownies for dessert. The only issue; no leftovers.
The chili competition did not cool down as each member who brought chili was given a ticket for a chance to win one of three monetary prizes. Our winners were: 1stprize of $75.00 went to Donna Althoff, 2ndprize of $50.00 went to Beth Cornwell and last, but not least, 3rdprize of $25.00 went to Paulette Broadway. Our members also generously donated $100.00 to our local Junior Shaggers!
Photos by Lou Martino