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20190410 Bi-Lo

Dance Team at Bo-Lo Grand Opening Windy Hill


Linda Campbell

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The OD Shag Club Dance Team had a great opportunity to share our beloved dance with the community when asked to dance at the Windy Hills (North Myrtle Beach) Bi-Lo on Wednesday, April 10th and again on Saturday, April 12th. 

 Three Couples were requested by Ms. Alice Cox for each day to dance. On Wednesday, Lori and John Setzer, Bill and Diane Millman and Lou Martino and Linda Campbell entertained the customers and the Bi-Lo staff to the tunes spun by the DJ Jimmy.

A great time was evident as many of the Bi Lo staff jumped in and took a quick lesson to learn to shag and then tried out their new steps and they even did a line dance or two.

Saturday started out with a downpour of rain and an abundanceof customersforthe “Grand Re-­‐opening”. Lots of prizes, food and drink were given out and the music could be heard coming from the front of the store from the band Three Peace. Again, Lori and John Setzer, Bill and Diane Millman, Linda Campbell and Lou Martino were available to dance.  We were also honored to have Lenny Gardner back with the team to dance a few dances and a wonderful“Cha-­‐Cha” with Barbara Hopper.   

Photos by Lou Martino