20190915 Fall Migration Brunch

Fall Migration Brunch
Donna Williams
Click Here to see Photos of this Event
Double the fun! Double the pleasure! OD Shag Club brunch and Fun Sunday on this beautiful beach day filled with great friends, awesome music, delicious food and a surprise guest entertainer. What else could we ask for? DJ Bill Anderson started the morning off playing great tunes while our breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits and fruit were being prepared by the staff at the OD Arcade. Thank you, Pam and crew. In addition, our coffee and happy juices were a big hit as always. While all of this was going on, our hard-working Hospitality crew welcomed 248 members and 18 guests for a total of 266 attendees quickly moving them through our sign in line. Thank you, ladies.
Bill Bacon welcomed the attendees with a few announcements and a blessing as the first color for eating was called. Our special guest Lesa Hudson sang several songs to the delight of the crowd. We must thank the food committee and volunteer servers for their continued success for keeping the lines moving and thus everyone having a good hot breakfast. Great job.
The Ways and Means committee, working hard for the entire morning, were very successful in selling not only lots of new merchandise but also having a special sale appreciated by many. Thanks to the committee and all who helped the buyers with their selections and purchases. You will be seeing OD Shag merchandise all over town as a result.
Many thanks also go out to Nancy Sook and John Berringer for their successful efforts with the 50/50 raffle. Congratulations to the 50/50 winner and also to our logo and name tag winners.
A big thanks also goes out to Lou Martino for his continuous efforts to provide us with lifetime memories by his constant efforts to bring smiles to everyone’s faces. Then he continuously makes more time putting them on the website for all to see how much fun we all who are able to attend have. Check out the happy faces and big smiles in his pictures. You will surely see fun was had by all.
Last but not least, thanks to all who do attend our events. You make it special. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy doing it for you. If you could not make this one, we look forward to seeing you at the next one, or better yet, our October party is coming soon. We would love to have you.
Photos by Lou Martino