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20200303 Presidents Letter

The Oyster Roast has come and gone and once again was a great success.  Members were showing up before 4:00 p.m. and by 6:00 p.m., the Arcade was packed.  The Oyster Roast crew led by Terry McCoy and Donnie Schultz worked extremely hard to put on this event.  The work started on Friday afternoon and continued thru Saturday night.  The chicken bog was outstanding and I am told the oysters were also (I personally don’t eat the nasty things).  Hopefully, everyone got their fill and no one went home in the slightest bit hungry.  It takes at least 25 hard working people to do this.  EVERYONE should make an effort to thank all of these people for the work they did to support our club.

I would also like to thank everyone that pitched in and helped clean up after the Oyster Roast.  The breakdown went smoothly, thanks to all those who helped!  THANK YOU!!!

Our March party will be on March 21st at Fat Harold’s.  I don’t know what the Food Committee has planned, but I am sure it will be tasty.

Don’t forget the St. Patty’s Day Parade on March 14th.  This is an easy parade to participate in and is a lot of fun.   It also helps to demonstrate that we are a supportive member of our community.

Hope to see you at the business meeting on March 3rd.