20200309 Del Web

Del Web Residents
Lou Martino
Click Here to see Photos of this Event
The OD Shag Club Dance Team was asked again to return to Del Web for more lesson’s March 9, 2020 at 6:00PM at the Grand Dunes Active Adult Community in Myrtle Beach to dance and teach.
We had several residents return from the last two classes as well as two new couples. One couple was so excited to learn the Shag Dance so that they could go and dance at their daughter’s wedding in three weeks. I am sure their daughter will be impressed.
At this lesson we taught the start, female turn, male turn, side pass and train. Since most had learned these steps in the prior classes, they felt more comfortable. The residence wanted to learn more and more.
We have been asked to return next week for a follow up class. Since many of the residence wanted to learn more and more we invited them to join the OD Shag Club. They all took applications and we hope to see them on the Dance Floor at Fat Harold’s.
Again, thank you Laureen Buckler, Lifestyle Director for asking us to come back.
And a special thank you to the members of the Dance Team who assisted: John and Lori Setzer, Mark and Kay Hughes, Barry Dyer, Linda Campbell and Lou Martino.
Photos by Lou Martino