20200516 John’s Drive-By

John’s Drive-By
Lou Martino
Click Here to see Photos of this event
There were just a few clouds in a perfect Carolina Blue sky that set the stage for the most important dance event that the OD Shag Club Dance Team has had thus far for 2020. Saturday, May 16, 2020, at 10:30 Lou Martino and Linda Campbell organized a surprise “Drive-by” for one of our very own, John and Lori Setzer. Drive-by’s seem to be the new way to “visit” now days due to the “invisible enemy” as it is called, the Corona Virus or COVID-19.
John had been home for two days from Grand Strand Regional Hospital where he had surgery to stabilize his neck.
The cul de sac at Ridgewood Dr North Myrtle Beach began to line up with all kinds of vehicles and most people were getting out of them sporting their fashionable masks. There were many convertibles, golf carts, and even a beautiful classic muscle car. The vehicles were decorated with colorful balloons and signs, some saying things such as…”Hugs and Prayers”, We are here for you!” and “TEAM JOHN!”. As the caravan paraded in front of John and Lori’s house. Even SEA DOO, the Shag Monkey stuck his head out and waved to John and Lori as he passed by John and Lori’s beautiful home.
The caravan of vehicles then stopped in the cul de sac in front of John and Lori’s home and more pictures were taken, some surprises were given to them, and then everyone turned their radio stations in their cars to 94.9 The Surf and they danced in honor of TEAM JOHN to a shag song.
Air hugs and kisses were blown to John and Lori and lots of “Love ya”, “Praying for you guys”, and “ We are here for You!” was heard as we all said our good bye’s from the roadside knowing how much we really wanted to do a group hug but we knew what we felt was that we RECEIVED so much more by what we were experiencing by being there with John and Lori. However, hopefully they knew that they were being lifted up in much LOVE, FAITH, HOPE and PRAYER!
MANY THANKS goes to those who took time out of their Saturday morning to participate with us: Lou Martino and Linda Campbell, Bill and Diane Millman, Mark and Kay Hughes (and Sea Doo), Barbara Hopper, Barry and Julie Dyer, Lynn and Andy Gabriel, Cathy and Rich Jamiolkowski, Ted Sobol and Callie White, Donna and Burnie Williams, Barnie Lee and Connie Williams, Connie and Jim Livingston and Lou and Dicky Garrenton and we cant forget their neighbor Steve, who kept riding up and down the road in his black corvette .
Photos by Lou Martino