20210516 Blue Crab Golf Tickets

Blue Crab Golf Ticket Sales
Lori Setzer
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I want to publicly thank the 22 club members who scheduled and worked shifts at the Little River Crab Festival. This group stepped to the plate and committed to covering the needed shifts. While we had other members, who supported us by coming by and buying tickets, offering breaks etc. —these were the club members who got it done. We sold 671 raffle tickets during the festival. I am proud of the work that this group did to sell tickets, help with tent take down, take pictures, demo shag dance basics and otherwise promote our club. We gave out over 40 membership applications for the club and talked to lots of people who are interested in learning to shag. I truly believe that our volunteers are the backbone of the OD Shag Club. We enjoyed working with this team and want to recognize the work that they did. When you see them please say thank you?
John Setzer, Linda Campbell, Mark and Kay Hughes, Joe Harrill, Barry and Julie Dyer, Ron Pugh, Becki Roberts, Judy Caulder, Jeff and Sheryl Dennis, Suzanne Williams, Wayne and Anita Baldwin, Paulette Miller, Andy and Lynn Gabriel, Bill Anderson, Izzie Cledaras, Sheryl Barker, Lou Martino.