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20210722 Presidents Letterr

Welcome back everyone!  We are finally getting back to a more normal routine.  It is so nice to get to see everyone again.

The May party was a lot of fun.  Got to see many friends new and old and dance again.  We had a great turnout of around 160 people.  The Main Slice really delivered on the pizza, keeping us supplied with plenty of hot pizza and a great variety as well.  Many thanks to them and to all those that helped serve.

June brought us the rescheduled Spring SOS.  The change in time also brought the heat and humidity of summer.  Attendance was lower than normal but pretty good considering all the obstacles of the new time. Our Brunch was held the first Sunday of SOS as usual, and we had around 200 for the event.  Once again, the food, service and music were all top-notch!  There was plenty of food for all and time to dance and socialize.

SOS also gave Ways & Means their first big shot at selling club merchandise, and they did not miss the opportunity to do so.  Wayne, Anita and Sue sold over $3100 worth!  The Golf Cart Raffle Committee also took advantage of SOS and was able to sell out of all 3500 tickets for the 4th year in a row! Jim, Monica, Lori and crew have once again found a way to continue the success. Many thanks again to all that helped with both committees to make them successful! Without your help, none of this would be possible.

As we look forward in July our annual Fun Run (old Poker Run) will be held on Saturday July 24.  We will begin at the OD Arcade and end up at Fat Harold’s.  This is always a lot of fun and well attended.  Make your plans now to participate. 

We will also start our Beginner Shag Classes on July 21 with HOF Shagger John Barringer and his partner Nancy Sook.  There has been a lot of interest in this and we are glad to be able to provide lessons again.  They will be teaching in the back room at Harold’s on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm. 

While last year was challenging at best, we are moving back to where we were before then.  I hope to see you soon!  Keep the dance in your heart!