Karen Young – Al Cain Award 2015

Al Cain Award Recipient 2015
Karen Young
Karen Young is an asset to the OD Shag Club. Karen joined the ODSC in 2008 and has been involved since the beginning. She served as the Food Committee Co-Chair in 2008 and 2009. Karen served as the Membership Chairman in 2010 and 2011 and co-chaired the Cruise to Nowhere with Howard Stallings. Karen was a board member 2012 and 2013 and she served as President of the OD Shag Club in 2014. Karen was one of the Co-Chairs for the Charity Golf Tournament in 2015.
In addition the many committees she has chaired, Karen has helped with the Ways and Mean selling shirts and other items. She has sold 50/50 tickets. She has participated in numerous Clean Sweep events and has co-chaired the Charity Golf Tournament. She has obtained many sponsors and raffle items, which funds our charity giving. Karen participated in updating the By-Laws for the Club.
Thank you Karen for everything you do for the OD Shag Club!
A response From Karen Young
I would like to thank the shag club members for my nomination for the Al Cain award and the Board Members for choosing me for the award. I was surprised and honored by this designation. The OD Shag Club has been our second family since we moved to the beach. I have enjoyed volunteering for the different committees and have made so many friends in the process. I plan to remain active in the Shag Club events in the years to come as the rewards for doing so are countless.
Karen Young