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20160925 Golf Cart Winner

2016 Golf Cart Winner


Billy Powell


Click Here to see more photos of Golf Cart Winner Drawing

The ODSC had their drawing for the 2016 Golf Cart Fundraiser on Sunday, September 25th at Fat Harold’s. The winner for 2016 is Wayland Brown of North Myrtle Beach! The winning ticket was number 188 which Wayland purchased in the Spring. When we placed the call to Wayland, he did not believe us at first. Our Vice President, Terry McCoy, assured him several times and in a matter of minutes, Wayland joined us in front of Fat Harold’s to pick up his new ride.

Thanks to Pam Moore for drawing our winning number. Pam is an employee of Fat Harold’s and for some reason had not purchased a ticket this year.

I would like to thank all the club members and board members that help to sell tickets this year. We sold over 2,400 tickets. Many of our volunteers took several shifts selling tickets at St. Patrick’s Day, Spring SOS, Mayfest and Fall SOS. Our Vice President, Terry McCoy, sold tickets numerous times at Decker’s events.

This fundraiser helps to support all the club activities and some of our charity giving. If you bought a ticket, we really appreciate your support. If you sold a ticket, we really appreciate your time and effort!