20170917 SOS brunch

SOS Brunch
Linda Campbell
Click Here to see photos of this event
On September 17, 2017 the Annual Fall Migration SOS OD Shag Club Brunch was held at the OD Arcade. Present and feed were over 300 members and guests. Wow! What a great success. Thank you Chris and your staff for the great job that you did in helping us feed this many people. Also, thank you to all those who helped serve and to the Hospitality Committee who tirelessly helped to check everyone in. Whoop! Whoop!!
Terry McCoy welcomed everyone to the event and gave a few announcements and after a blessing by Vice-President, Linda Campbell, breakfast was served. Everyone waiting for their ticket color to be called, was entertained by the great shag music by the one and only DJ,
Terry McPhail. Thank you Terry for a great job as always.
We were also entertained as a thank you for all the support that the OD Shag Club as given to two of our local Juniors, Lizzie and Jackson Batten, as they demonstrated their awesome shag talent. They began by thanking our club and said that they just wanted to dance as a thank you, but before their dance was through, our club had shown more support by tossing some monies on the floor to show how much we enjoyed their dancing. Keep shagging and we are so proud of you two kiddos!!!
A special presentation was made to Gene Pope from the Richmond Shag Club, who won the Shag Club entry of our Annual SOS Golf Tournament of $400.00 to Junior SOS. This is the 2nd Year that Richmond has won and given their winnings as a donation to Junior SOS. A great big THANK YOU TO THIS GREAT CLUB!!!
Name tag winner was Ken Meyer, Logo Winner was Rich Young and the BIG WINNER of the day was JD Ramseur who won the 50/50.
Many people filled the dance floor as the brunch came to a close and many visited our Ways and Means tables to see what bargains they could find to proudly display their OD Shag Club logo.
Photos by Lou Martino