20190505 Golf Cart Tickets Sold

Golf Cart Tickets Sold
Jim and Monica Palmieri
John and Lori Setzer
Hello to our valued volunteers,
No, we are not contacting you to ask you to volunteer again. We are contacting you to say, that because of your incredible efforts, we have sold all of our tickets for 2019! Yes, even though the Board increased the amount of tickets to 3,200, you did it! From Mid-Winter SOS, St.Patty’s Day, and Spring SOS, you were all terrific. We will be depositing over $16,000 for the Club (including some small contributions.) We know you would have rather enjoyed more time watching parades or enjoying SOS, and we know that selling, took some of you out of your comfort zone. This makes all of you even more special. While at times it is not easy getting people to volunteer, many of you volunteered for more than one shift and more than one event, and we sure appreciated it.
Some of you volunteered as a group so we’re missing their email address. Please forward this email to them.
Enjoy your summer, especially knowing you will not be receiving any more emails from us!
Take care, and again… THANK YOU!