20190605 Chapin Library

Chapin Library 70th Anniversary
Lou Martino
Click here to see Photos of this Event
The OD Shag Club Dance Team was asked to participate in the 70thyear anniversary of the Chapin Library in Myrtle Beach for the week of June 3 – 8th, 2019.
Throughout the week the Dance Team danced and instructed a small group of students ranging from no experience to basic experience. We danced June 4, 2019, in the morning from 10-12Noon and 5-7PM that evening.
Then June 6, 2019, we danced to a local band from 4 – 6PM in the non-fiction section of the library. Those students that took lessons on June 4thwere to show us what they had learned. They all did such a wonderful job and made the Dance Team look good for what they had learned. A big thank you goes out to those students that participated.
This was the only time we didn’t have to whisper in the library.
Thank you, Debra Warrington, Customer Services Supervisor of Chapin Library for inviting us and asking the OD Shag Club Dance Team to be a part of this momentous occasion. We had such a great time teaching those individuals who wanted to learn and be a part of this celebration.
Thanks to the OD Shag Club Members who participated in this event: Ted Sobol, Callie White, John and Lori Setzer, Lou Martino, Linda Campbell, Cathy and Rich Jamiolkowski, Barbara Hopper and Donna and Burnie Williams.
Photos by Lou Martino