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20210919 SOS Brunch

SOS Brunch


Donna Williams

Click Here to see Photos of this Event

The Fall OD Shag Club Brunch was held September 19, 2021. What a great way to start a day!!! Our friendly, hardworking hospitality ladies greeted all with smiles as 179 people came through the door. Our Ways and Means committee and their helpers had multiple tables of well-chosen colorful items which resulted in lots of members carrying bags out the door. Charlie Glazer played some great dance music, and the OD Arcade did their usual with a really good breakfast and of course their happy juices. We had another successful 50/50 with a donation from the winner being made back to the club.

If you missed it, you missed a great time. This is such a super way to see your friends, dance and just have fun. Please join us next time. Thanks to all who were able to attend and special thanks to all who helped out our great club. Your help does not go unnoticed.

Until next time, be well and stay safe.


Photos by Burnie Williams