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20220104 Presidents Letter

2021 is now behind us. We look at fresh eyes toward a great 2022 in hopes that our membership numbers grow, our attendance grows and we are all able to hug and be with each other in large numbers. The ACSC has announced that 99% of the “normal” events will take place.

I want to thank every person who has given of their time and efforts to support this great club. We have many who supported whatever we had to do to make it work. Now on to a new year, a new beginning with a new board and new members who are showing great signs of what it takes to make the club “the best it can be.” Thank you for the past and the future. We have a few major committee chairs to still be filled so if you can, please step up. Let us know what you want to do. We will appreciate your help.

2021 brought many challenges and quite a bit of sadness. We have lost a good number of members and several past officers of our club. We have and will continue to keep their memories alive. I will not provide names as I may miss someone and that would not be the right thing to do. Better safe than sorry.

The participation at our monthly events is growing with each event. Hopefully that will continue. Our “come back quarter” (the last of the year) brought us closer to the numbers of 2019. We look forward to expanding even more. We will take a look at the Covid numbers as they come out and may have to change a few things as we go. If so, please be patient and understand we have to protect the majority.

In the meantime, be kind, love one another and treat each other with respect, have fun and above all else dance like no one is watching. Those are the things that will make others want to come back, become new contributing members and you too will look forward to 2022 as the year of the beginning.