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20220201 Presidents Letter

Our 2022 new year has begun with a January winter weather experience in NMB. Unlike most years where we have a few days of cold, we were the recipients of a few weeks of cold. SOS Mid winters started us out, and in spite of the weather, the year began with fun had by all.  As most already know, our board elected to postpone the 40th Anniversary party and to not host our normal brunch. It was certainly the right thing to do with the bad weather roads in many parts of North and South Carolina. You will be happy to know the famous OD Oyster Roast will go on as scheduled on February 19th. Our 40th Anniversary Drop In has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 21, 2022. Please mark your calendar. While you are doing that, please make note that our December Christmas party will be held the SECOND (2ND) SATURDAY of December instead of our regular 3rd Saturday of the month. This is due to the Christmas family giving that we do, goes through the school, and we have to have our people and their people transferring food and gifts while school is still in session.

At the ACSC meeting much conversation was about the SOS parade and it was a sad announcement that our own Wendy and Donnie Schultz had to hand over the reins of the SOS parade due to Donnie’s work location. However, to our delight the head honchos are now our own Terry and Kathy McCoy. Thank you, Terry and Kathy for all you do!!! Congrats to them. We know they will make us proud. It does leave a big hole in our own parade preparations though, as they can no longer participate with the OD Shag club SOS parade planning or showing. If you would like to volunteer to do a little but have a lot of fun including getting your golf cart parade ready, please contact your board or our parade liaison Linda Campbell. Don’t forget we also need a good showing at the NMB St Patrick’s Day parade scheduled for March 12. We have made a change in our event structure for the Parade and Golf Tournament. We are having committees for both of those so if you want further info or want to participate, please contact Linda Campbell for the parade committee and Sheryl Barker for the Golf Tournament.

GOLF CART TICKETS ARE HERE. BUY YOURS EARLY AND OFTEN. The cart is a yellow, silver, and white beauty with Bluetooth speakers, back seat belts and other great things. You can check it out at Graham’s Golf Cart on Main Street. It really is a beauty. You need to double up on your buying to win this one. Tickets will be on sale at the Oyster Roast but our Chair, Jim Robinson is making house calls to get us started. If you win you can sIn the meantime, be kind, love one another and treat each other with respect, have fun and above all else dance like no one is watching. Those are the things that will make others want to come back, become new contributing members and you too will look forward to 2022 as the year of the beginning.

step up your show off. We need your help.

Finally, In the meantime, be kind, love one another and treat each other with respect, have fun and above all else dance like no one is watching. Those are the things that will make others want to come back, become new contributing members and you too will look forward to 2022 as the year of the beginning. Until next time.
