Donnie Schultz – Al Cain Award 2017

The 2017 winner is …….DONNIE SCHULTZ!
Donnie has been a member for 16 years. He has chaired or co-chaired the Hospitality Committee, Parade Committee, Oyster Roast, Charity Fun Run, Nomination Committee, Food Committee, numerous times. Donnie has served as a board member and Vice President. Donnie attends most of the business meetings and has also been Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny!
Donnie believes and expresses the importance of the ODSC and their purpose. Donnie has taken dance lessons this year and now we can see him on the dance floor. Think about this….for years, Donnie worked as hard as anyone I have seen for the Shag Club and did not even dance. Now he can DO IT ALL!
Please join me in congratulating our 2017 Al Cain Award winner, DONNIE SCHULTZ!