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Monthly Archives: October 2020

Hello ODSC Members, The corona virus has had many implications to our daily lives and to the lives of our entire community.  The impact to our economy has been significant and those who were struggling financially are now struggling even more.  Also, the organizations that help to keep our dance and shag community alive for the future also have expenses that did not stop because of corona virus.  This year, we could not hold either of our charity fund raising events that help support these organizations.  However, the ODSC is in relatively good......

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Covid-19 is hitting way too close to everyone’s home. With a sad heart, but with strong faith in our Heavenly Father, today I kneel down in prayer, asking for a full recovery for those with Covid-19 and those in pain. Lord I’m asking You to protect & cover each of us with your healing hands and precious blood. Please protect and strengthen the elderly, homeless, unemployed, sick, front liners and caregivers who are exhausted, but not giving up. Please refresh their minds and renew their strength. Prop them up on every leaning side. Thank......

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  Click here to see Photos of this Event Many, many thanks to our all volunteers who ran our drive-thru election.  Special thanks to Terry McCoy and his team for the wonderful chicken bog.  Just as a fyi, Terry McCoy and his team worked for 2 days preparing the food.   Here are your election results for 2021: President -John Setzer Vice President – Donna Williams Secretary-Charlie Pangburn Treasurer – Rick Kosko Board members- Wayne Baldwin                              Linda Campbell      ......

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Winner of the 2020 Golf Cart by Monica Powell   Today our very own ODSC member, Felix Figueroa, picked up his brand new golf cart!  Many thanks to our Golf Cart Committee (left to right)  John Setzer, Lori Setzer, Monica Palmieri, Jim Palmieri.  Also, many thanks to Mike Graham for all his help in selling tickets and storage of our 2020 cart (featured in back of photo). Maybe you can win next year! Monica Powell Communications Chair  ...

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