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Golf Cart Sales at Mayfest by Jim Palmieri Click here to see Photos of the Golf Sales Everyone, A very big thank you to all of you who worked the Golf Cart Booth at Mayfest May 12, 2018. We sold a total of 449 tickets worth $2,245.  Everybody did such a great job.  The heat and Taylor Dane did not get the best of you.  That being said, kudos need to go out to our 4:00-6:00 pm group.  One and a half hours of their selling time was while she was up on the stage......

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Cook Out by Linda Campbell Click Here to see photos of this event This past Saturday, May 26, was the rescheduled date for the Annual OD Shag Club Cookout at Savilles on 2nd. It was a beautiful day full of sunshine and everyone looking forward to being outside. Corn hole sign ups began around 3:30pm with the tournament beginning at 4:00pm. Also, beginning around that time, the smell of charcoal was in the air as Donnie and Wendy Schultz and their mighty crew began the cooking of the hot dogs and hamburgers for......

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Clean Sweep by Bill Bacon Click Here to see Photos of this event The OD Shag Club held our annual Spring Clean Sweep on Saturday, May 5th, also known as Cinco de Mayo.  We had 30 members turn out who enjoyed juice, coffee, fellowship, biscuits and donut holes before we hit the streets and the beach.  We picked up 25 bags of trash.  We noticed that the City of North Myrtle Beach is doing a real good job of keeping the streets and beach clean because there was not as much litter on......

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SOS Parade By Billy Powell Click Here to see Photos of this event Thanks to all who participated!  We enjoyed another successful parade.  For the last 16 years, the ODSC has won whatever category we entered.  This year, we entered “Most Original” and WE WON!  Boy, were the carts and people original!  To go along with the overall parade theme (Blast from the Past), the ODSC theme was “Once Upon a Time at SOS”.  The characters that we had in our entry included the following: Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood......

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Spring SOS Brunch by Donna Williams Click Here to see Photos of this event WOW! What a great morning for 340+ at the OD Shag Club Spring Safari Brunch. No way you can go wrong with great friends, beautiful weather, delicious food, awesome music and all the other extras that were a part of this terrific event. Our 340+ included 304 members, 26 guest, and 10 special visitors from the Junior Shagger community. DJ Murl Augustine entertained us with great dancing music. Our breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits and fruit plus......

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Ocean Bay and St James Elementary Schools  by Lou Martino   OCEAN BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL   ST JAMES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLICK HERE to see Photos of Ocean Bay Elementary School CLICK HERE to see Photos of St James Elementary School Photos by Lou Martino On March 28, 2018 the OD Shag Club Dance Team was asked to demonstrate and teach the Shag Dance at the Ocean Bay Elementary School during their Music Appreciation Day which is like Fine Arts Day only it focuses on Music. Our point of contact was Kristie Jacobs who......

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Chili Cook Off by Bill Bacon Click Here to see Photos of this event On March 17th the O.D. Shag Club held our Annual Chili Cook-Off at Fat Harold’s Beach Club. The theme for the Cook Off was western so many members dressed up with their cowboy hats, boots and western attire. We had a great turnout, but it would have been nice if more people had brought chili. The chili I took was gone before I got to it. Maybe that was because it was so good! As good as it was......

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Dance Team at Belk’s by Lou Martino Click Here to see Photos of this event On March 22, 2018, the OD Shag Club Dance Team performed at Belk’s at the Myrtle Beach Mall between the hours of 3PM and 5PM. The store theme was “Girls Night”. We were welcomed to the Shoe Department by our own Cindy Day. As always, the staff at Belk’s welcomes us with open arms. Thank you, Cindy, for inviting us to Belk’s and allowing us to promote the OD Shag Club and the dance that we love so......

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St Patrick’s Day Parade by Billy Powell   The OD Shag Club was well represented in the 2018 North Myrtle Beach St. Patrick’s Day Parade.  We had 25 golf carts and 86 people participate this year.  A great time was had by all before, during and after the parade.  This year, we thru out over 15,000 strands of beads during the parade.        Bill and Diane Millman were our banner carriers this year and their costumes were outstanding!  Many thanks to Rich and Karen Young and Sonny Tomberlin who helped me......

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Oyster Roast by Linda Campbell Click here to see photos of this event   A lot of people do not know the hard work AND the number of the people it takes to put together a successful oyster roast.  And that’s the key: SUCCESSFUL!  But, Donnie and Wendy Shultz Do! And this year was no exception. It began the night before at Donnie and Wendy’s house and it began with CHICKEN!  Yep!  Chicken, for their world-famous Chicken Bog (yes, for those who just haven’t acquired the love or taste for oysters).  And for......

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Sea Turtles Meeting by Lou Martino Click here to see photos of this event The OD Shag Club Dance Team was invited to dance and instruct at the Grand Dunes Marriott Hotel in Myrtle Beach on February 15, 2018 at 8PM in the Atlantic Ballroom. Our point of contact for this event was Event planner Jessica M Cutler, DMCP of Myrtle Beach. The event was for the Southeast Regional Sea Turtle Meeting which was held at the Grand Dunes Marriott in Myrtle Beach, SC from February 12, 2018 thru February 15, 2018. They......

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Post-SOS Clean Sweep  by Bill Bacon Click here to see Photos of this event. Phot0s by Lou Martino Hello ODSC Members, Saturday, January 20th, a near record group of 29 members of the OD Shag Club braved the cold to turn out at Deckerz at 8:30 AM for our annual Mid-Winter Clean Sweep!  After enjoying some of Hardee’s finest biscuits and Dunkin Donuts coffee, the group managed to collect 30 bags of trash and refuse from the streets and parking lots of North Myrtle Beach from the intersection of US 17 and Main to Ocean......

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Mid Winter SOS Brunch by Nancy Sook A fabulous time was had by all 232(209 members, 9 guests,8 junior shaggers and 6 others in their party) at the midwinter brunch held at the od arcade, Sunday, January 14, 2018.  We danced to tunes played by the crazy as ever, Murl Augustine, drank adult beverages and dined on a delicious brunch of scrambled eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, biscuits and fruit prepared by the staff of the arcade. We all watched and cheered as the junior shaggers awed us with their moves.  Then hoped our......

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Christmas Families by Karen Young   This year, the OD Shag Club sponsored 8 kids from four families for Christmas. The club donated $850 and the dance team added another $505 to make this a wonderful Christmas for these families. The Fifth Avenue group again donated a boy’s bicycle and accessories for one of our needy kids. Cindy Day, Cassie Shumway and Karen Young did all the shopping and were able to get almost everything on the kid’s wish lists. Each child got at least two new outfits and toys from their wish......

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Christmas Party by Terry McCoy Click Here to see Photos of this event Once again, I would like to thank everyone for their help and support this year. The Christmas party turned out really great and we had a large crowd. Donnie and all his helpers did a great job   preparing the meal for us it was fantastic. Everyone did a great job bringing can food or donating cash for our needy families.  We had plenty of food and cash thank you dance team for your cash donation. We gave away a 25-dollar gift......

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Myrtle Beach Manor Christmas by Linda Campbell On Monday, December 4, 2017, OD Shag Club members started arriving at the Myrtle Beach Manor around 5:30pm excited for our Annual Christmas party for the residents. We ALWAYS look forward to this event each year. Joe Ferlauto had a full agenda planned from 6:00pm-8:00pm. The evening began with Emcee John Harris introducing four of our own Junior Shaggers to dance. All the songs that were to be danced were Chrismas Shag Songs. WOW! Those Juniors could really “let it go” and showed us some of......

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Christmas Parade by Billy Powell Click Here to see photos of this Event Bright lights, great music, friends, food, libations and fun!  All of these were to be had at the NMB Christmas Parade.  The OD Shag Club had 53 participants and we were led down Main Street by the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who, also known as Lou Martino and Linda Campbell.  We had Elves, Snowmen, Sleighs, Stars, Christmas Trees, Penguins, Reindeer, Presents, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Peppermint Patty, Snoopy and Minions! The carts were decorated beautifully and the OD Shag Club was......

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Nomination Halloween Party by Terry McCoy Click Here to see Photos of this Event The Halloween Party  at Savilles turned out to be a great party. The pizza  was good with all the sides that members brought. Their was a little confusion at first with a party going on till 6 and our costumes starting at 6 but it all seemed to work out. I thank you for your patience. Thanks to all those that dressed up with some great costumes. The winner of individual costume was Diane Bauer the couple’s winner was......

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ODSC Social Crawl by Linda Campbell Click Here to see photos of this event On Tuesday, September 19th of SOS, 40 plus members of the OD Shag Club proudly put on their red shirts/blouses and met at Pirates Cove to begin one of two nights of our Annual Bar and Social Crawl.  It was very evident that the OD Shag Club was in the club with visions of red everywhere.  Everyone was getting their adult beverages/drinks and socializing with each other and even with other members of other clubs who where their to......

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SOS Brunch by Linda Campbell Click Here to see photos of this event  On September 17, 2017 the Annual Fall Migration SOS OD Shag Club Brunch was held at the OD Arcade.  Present and feed were over 300 members and guests.  Wow!  What a great success.  Thank you Chris and your staff for the great job that you did in helping us feed this many people.   Also, thank you to all those who helped serve and to the Hospitality Committee who tirelessly helped to check everyone in.  Whoop! Whoop!! Terry McCoy welcomed everyone......

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ODCS Annual Golf Tournament by Cindy Day Click Here to see Photos of this event Another exciting year for the OD Golf tournament. What a great day we had, the weather could not have been better and a great group of golfers for this year’s charity tournament. A special thank you to Eastport Golf Course for allowing us to host this tournament again this year. These are the Gold Hole Sponsors Homegrown Hospitality Group, Jake’s Heating & Cooling, Ocean Boulevard Vacations, Wyman Wise State Farm.  Our Silver Hole Sponsors were Boulineau’s, Young Interiors, Dr.......

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Nominations Party by Linda Campbell At Fat Harold’s, August 19th, 2017, our great Hospitality Team began greeting each and every one of our OD Shag Club members and their guests for our Nominations Party.  Out in the parking lot to the side, one could see the busyness of members preparing our Bar-b-que for the dinner to be served for the night. Gary Bass was in the DJ booth playing tunes to get the crowd up and on their feet. Shagging to the oldies, the new hits we hear on Wednesday and Fridays, and......

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Bus Trip to Shallotte Shag Club by Terry McCoy Click Here to see Photos of this event The bus trip to Coastal shag club was a huge success. We had 54 members of the bus and more members met us their.The members brought great appetizers and liquid refreshments for the trip their. Coastal did a great job preparing for us.Thay had door greeters two tables of food two d.js making for a great party. Coastal really made  us feel welcome.  I think everyone had a real good time thanks for attending this great......

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Charity Fun Run by  Billy Powell Click Here to see Photos of this event The annual Charity Fun Run was held on July 29th.  Even though it was raining at our first stop, the rain stopped before we left to travel to our second stop.  The weather cooperated for the rest of the day, so if you let the rain scare you off, you missed a great time.  We traveled from the OD Arcade to Castaways on to 710 Bowling Alley, next step Deckerz and our last stop was our home club, Fat......

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Brunch Junior SOS by Nancy Sook Click Here to see Photos of this Event After an invocation by Matt Free, approximately 241 junior shaggers and their parents/grandparents  enjoyed a fabulous brunch catered by the OD Shag Club. They ate while listening to the music played by DJ Larry Edwards.  After brunch, all were entertained by a group of girls representing the Juniors and put together by Crystal Taylor Davis. Their song, “Trust In You”. Pastor Josh Walters of Mt. Pleasant Seacoast Church, gave an awesome talk starting with “keepers of the dance” and......

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Cook Out by Terry McCoy Click Here to see Photos of this event I want to thank everyone who showed up and helped make the Cook Out a great OD Shag Club event. The corn hole tournament started at 4:00 with Donna Strange and Bruce Fitzsimons the winners. The cooks Jim Queen, Steve Queen and Bob Sanders did a great job. Thanks to all the people that worked so hard to make it happen (food, door, 50/50) and everyone that brought dishes.  Our new member and DJ Chad Farlow did a great job......

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New Member Meet and Greet by Linda Campbell  Click Here to see Photos of this event May 5th, the backroom of Fat Harold’s began to fill with excitement and anticipation as the OD Shag Club held its first New Member Social for 2017.  A big shout out goes to all those who helped to make this social a great success.   Snacks were provided by Faye Chowning, Wendy and Donnie Shultz, and the Food Committee.  Also, special thanks to Tina Tomberlin and Monica Powell for checking in the membership as they arrived.  A fun game......

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SOS Spring Safari Parade by Billy Powell Click Here to see Photos of this event Click Here to see the Video of this event This SOS parade was last Saturday and once again it was a success.  The ODSC had a great entry and lots of fun for the umpteenth consecutive year! The SOS Parade has four categories that you can enter.  The categories are as follows: Best Club Vehicle Top Prize   $200 Best Shag Troop Top Prize   $200 Most Original Top Prize   $300 Best Shag Theme Top Prize   $300 For the......

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Club Crawl by Lou Martino   Click Here to see Photos of this event This year the OD Shag Club joined together, socialized and simply had a great time at our bi-annual SOS Club Crawl during 2017 Spring Safari SOS. We began our journey May 25th as we all met at the Pirate’s Cove at 6Pm. There were around 20 members that attended. As we trickled in the President of the OD Shag Club Terry McCoy gave each member a “yellow” ticket for their first drink. There was no line. Since it was......

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SOS Spring Safari Brunch by Nancy Sook In the words of DJ jimmy Buffkin, everyone had a big time who attended the OD Shag Club 2017 Spring Safari Brunch at the OD Arcade, Sunday April 23.  164 members and 24 guests, twisted, shagged and line danced to the tunes of DJ Murl Augustine, ate the famous breakfast prepared by the OD Arcade Crew and watched in awe as the Junior Shaggers showed all their dance moves.  Everyone hoped their number was a winner, but Ronnie Williams won the logo and Jim Livingston took......

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Easter at Myrtle Beach Manor   by Linda Campbell Click Here to see photos of this event As the residents gathered waiting with anticipation of the forthcoming event, the OD Shag Club members were arriving as Easter was in the air. There were Easter decorations everywhere and the members were in the kitchen cutting up the beautifully decorated Bunny cakes that the residents had decorated earlier in the day. The event began with Linda Campbell, MC for the night who welcomed them all and announced that they were in for a fun and exciting......

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ODSC March Party By Billy Powell   Click  Here to see Photos of this event   The ODSC March party was a chili cookoff and there was lots of great chili to be consumed.  There were 23 participants who provided the great food for all of us.  A great variety of chili was made which should have provided everyone with something to fit their individual taste.  Many thanks to all participants and congratulations to the winners. 1st Place – Sonny Tomberlin – $75.00 2nd Place – Carol Perin – $50.00 3rd Place – Monica......

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St Patrick’s Day Parade by Vickie Parsons Click Here to see Photos of the Parade The support of the OD Shag Club was out in full force for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade held on Saturday, March 11th.  The weather was great, and everyone including golf carts were decked out in their St. Patrick’s Day attire.  Our parade chairman, Billy Powell reported that 78 members and guests participated and a total of 21 golf carts paraded down Main Street in representation of the OD Shag Club.  He also reported that the troop threw......

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My name is Vickie Parsons, and it is with great pleasure that I announce my desire to run for the office of Treasurer of the OD Shag Club. I’m currently a resident of Shallotte, NC after relocating from Asheboro, NC in 1984. I’m fortunate to work for the Dunes Club in Myrtle Beach as their Administrative/Accounting Assistant, and just celebrated my 20th year of employment. I have been a member of the OD Shag Club for 12 years. In my earlier years, I served on the Entertainment Committee and Membership Hospitality Committee. Also,......

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Storage Move to New Location by Lou Martino Click Here to see pictures of this move It was a brisk fall morning February 17, 2017, when the movers of the OD Shag Club found a new home for our Parade Beads, Ways and Means containers, Entertainment paraphernalia, Pots and Pans, Burners, Backdrops, Food Items, Golf Tournament Signs, Tables, Shelving from the old to the new location and various odds and ends. We started around 8:30AM while members of the Club trickled in for the big move. The Club rented a truck. Wendy Schultz......

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Oyster Roast by Jerry Harrell   Click Here to see Photos of this event On Saturday, February 18 2017, the club held its world famous Oyster Roast. There were 220 members 18 guest and 7 new members who had knife or spoon in hand. Chicken bog was provided for those who didn’t want oysters. Cathy and Connie sold a lot of new club merchandise as well as the 2017 Oyster Roast shirt. Tim Webb won the 50/50 drawing. Bill Anderson the DJ entertained the crowd. All had a good time, many thanks to......

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Mid Winter Brunch by Tina Tomberlin Click Here to see Photos of this event The first get together of the New Year for the OD Shag Club is the Mid-Winter Brunch at the OD Arcade.  As always, it’s a time for our members to catch up with old friends and an opportunity to meet new members and make new friends. The Hospitality Committee, led by Cindy Day, was there with their ever-present smiles getting all 201 attendees checked in and food, name tag and logo wear tickets distributed. Newly elected President Terry McCoy......

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ODSC Christmas Families By Monica Powell Click Here to see those who packed the boxes As you know, the ODSC is playing Santa Claus for 8 elementary children. Karen Young, Cindy Day, Etta Allen and Cassy Shumway went shopping (using a discount from Cindy) and we were able to buy shoes, coats, at least one outfit for each child along with some of the toys on their wish list. Some of the items on the wish list included tablets, MP3 players, Scrabble games, Monopoly games and a bicycle. This was all funded by......

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ODSC Christmas Party by By Monica Powell To See Photos of this Event Click Here The ODSC had a wonderful party celebrating Christmas on December 17th at Fat Harold’s. Donnie and Wendy Schultz and their helpers which included Bob Miller, Tim Shumway, and Cassy Shumway really outdid themselves with our meal. The prime rib was delicious along with the vegetables and dessert. Many thanks to our Food Committee for all their hard work in 2016. Jimmy Buffkin was our DJ and he did a fantastic job! Our Dance team did an exhibition for......

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Myrtle Beach Manor Christmas Event by Linda Campbell To See Pictures Of This Event Click Here On Monday, December 5th, the members of the OD Shag Club along with several “celebrities” entertained the residents of the Myrtle Beach Manor. Our own local celebrity and top recording artist/DJ, Paul Craver started the evening off by singing several songs including several of the resident’s favorite Christmas tunes.  He is always loved and very welcomed and a great way to get the party started. The pace picked up when the Jr Shaggers came to showcase their......

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North Myrtle Beach Christmas Parade by Monica Powell To See Pictures Of This Event Click Here MORE PICTURES TO FOLLOW With Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse leading the ODSC, the parade was ON!  The ODSC with 19 golf carts and 78 people participating took 2nd place in the NMB Christmas parade on Saturday, December 3rd. The golf carts were amazing!  It was magical!  Horses from SOS became Reindeer overnight!  Snowmen were blazing in the night!  Penguins were running loose!  And I think Grandma got run over by a reindeer.  Please check out all......

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Camp Kemo Fundraiser Camp Kemo during Fat Harold’s Fundraiser. Camp Kemo is a camp for children with cancer and their families. For these kids it may be a brief moment of joy in a life that has its share of pain and fear, and the week-long camp can provide them with a normal childhood experience. Click on the link below to see the comments from Samuel J Tenenbaum President Palmetto Health Foundation  2016 Camp Kemo...

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Thanksgiving Party by Monica Powell The ODSC had a lot to be thankful for this year and we celebrated all our blessings with other members on Saturday night. Many, many thanks to Donnie and Wendy Schultz and their Food Committee. The food was fantastic! Thanks to our members for bringing wonderful side dishes. Our members opened their kitchens and we had so much food, there was a call for seconds and thirds! Paul Craver was our DJ and he kept the floor full spinning tunes for everyone’s enjoyment! The biggest announcement of the......

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2016 Golf Cart Winner by Billy Powell Click Here to see more photos of Golf Cart Winner Drawing The ODSC had their drawing for the 2016 Golf Cart Fundraiser on Sunday, September 25th at Fat Harold’s. The winner for 2016 is Wayland Brown of North Myrtle Beach! The winning ticket was number 188 which Wayland purchased in the Spring. When we placed the call to Wayland, he did not believe us at first. Our Vice President, Terry McCoy, assured him several times and in a matter of minutes, Wayland joined us in front of......

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Cruise to Nowhere by Jerry Harrell Click Here to see more Photos of this Event On Friday, August 26, 2016, the Ocean Drive Shag Club went on their annual Cruise to Nowhere on the Hurricane Fleet out of Calabash N.C. We had 88 guests there. Some paid but did not show. The weather was great,warm, but not hot. It was about a 2 hour trip, and I think everyone had a good time eating and socializing. Thanks to Bill and Joan Bacon for making this possible. Thanks also to Hurricane Fleet crew for......

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Nomination Party by Terry McCoy Click Here to see Photos of this event The nomination party was a real success and the BBQ was wonderful. I want to THANK Donnie and the Food Committee and special THANKS to Beth Cornwell, chairperson for Nomination Committee for introducing all the candidates.  Check all the new officers and candidates out on the website. Congrats to our winners:  Lloyd Johnson, 50/50, Maxine Presley, name badge and Paula Webb, logo. Also we appreciate everyone that helped out throughout the night! It was great seeing everyone up and dancing......

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I have been nominated to serve as President of the OD Shag Club. I have been active in the shag world for most of my adult life. I am from Camden, SC. I moved to the beach in 2013. As a member of several shag clubs I feel that I have many attributes to enhance the direction of the OD Shag Club. While living in Camden/Lugoff area I was a member of the class shag club for 20 years. In 2008/2011, I served as President of the Camden/Lugoff shag club for a period......

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My name is Linda Benfield Campbell. I currently reside in Longs, SC after relocating here from Columbia SC in 2010. I am originally from Statesville, NC and am currently employed with Aflac as a Sales Associate. While working with Aflac, I have held several positions including State Training Coordinator for NC, SC, and Florida, District Sales Coordinator in NC, SC, and Florida and Training Manager at Aflac’s World Wide Headquarters in Columbus, Ga. I attend St Andrews Catholic Church and Ocean Drive Presbyterian Church. While I was in Statesville, I held many positions......

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Hi, my name is Dale Hicks. I moved to North Myrtle Beach in 2009 after I retired as the Executive Assistant for a non-profit organization in the Richmond, Virginia area. I have served as president, treasurer and recording secretary for a woman’s club in Richmond, as well as president and recording secretary of Beta Sigma Phi, an international women’s philanthropic sorority, in Richmond and North Myrtle Beach. I accepted the nomination as recording secretary as a way to become more active in the OD Shag Club and because I feel certain, with my......

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Hi ODSC members. My name is Nancy Sook and I have been nominated to run for Secretary. For the past 9 years, I have been a member of the ODSC, and for most of those years, I have sold 50/50 tickets. For 2 years, I co-chaired the Entertainment and Decorating Committee with Linda Campbell. I have sold raffle tickets, worked in the general store, been in parades, helped at Junior SOS, helped to serve food and danced on the Demo Team. For 9 years I have been a member of the Rock”N”ettes, leader......

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My name is Kay Howard and I would like to be considered for treasurer of the OD Shag Club for the year 2017. I moved to Ocean Drive 14 months ago from Lake Norman, NC. I was employed in the trucking industry for 38 years. I was Revenue Accounting Manager at Johnson Motor Lines for 5 years and worked there in the Accounting Department 18 years. I was employed at Consolidated Freightways 17 years where I handled accounts payable and worked in city dispatch. I was a member of Twisters Shag Club for 10 years .......

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I joined the shag club in 2011 and started to help my sister Cassy on the decorating committee for that year. The following year I helped out in Hospitality and loved it. I took a year off and then became Co-Chair with Elaine and the following year I was Hospitality Chair and still running Hospitality as of today. I have helped out with several events. I’ve helped clean up my first few Oyster Roasts, Clean sweeps, Golf Tournaments, Myrtle Beach Manor, and Just went to my first ACSC workshop with our shag......

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My name is Bob Miller and I am running for the office of Board Member at Large for the ODSC. My wife, Linda and I built a home in Seabrook Plantation in North Myrtle Beach a year ago and moved here permanently. Before that, we had a second home here in Sea Garden where I served as a board member of the HOA for 10 years. I served in many capacities of the Moore Area Shag Society including serving as President for two terms. I am a past Exalted Ruler of the Sanford......

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I am very pleased and honored to have been asked by the Nominating Committee to run for the Board of the OD Shag Club. We have participated in every parade since moving here in 2012. We have also helped with Ways & Means by selling 50/50 tickets, manning the booths for merchandise sales and golf cart tickets. I have also worked at the Golf Tournament each year. We take pride in being active members and attend and participate in as many ODSC events as possible. I have served as Parade Chairman in 2015......

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Hey everyone, Last weekend, Google made a change to their Gmail program. Even if you have been receiving emails from Faye Chowning (ODSC) in the past, they now seem to be going to your Spam or Junk folder. Faye sent at least 3 emails in the past week. I will be printing something to give out on Saturday as people check in, but here are the instructions on how to fix it. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL ODSC MEMBERS USING GMAIL Last week, Google made several changes to email. The result is that the......

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The OD Shag Club Sponsors Families for Christmas by Karen Young The OD Shag Club sponsored 8 children from 2 families this year for Christmas. Clothing and toys were purchased for each child. Members of the club brought non-perishable food items to the club’s Christmas party, which was then divided between the two families.   We would like to thank those who brought food that night and helped to make a very Merry Christmas for these kids and their families. Attached is a message from one of the families that we helped:  ...

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SOS Brunch by Linda Campbell Click here to see pictures of this event Yes oh Yes it’s SOS and it is time again for the OD Shag Club Fall Brunch held at the OD Arcade. The rain didn’t deter some 324 shag club members and their guest from coming and enjoying the great music of Terry McPhail.   As members and guests waited for Chris and his great staff to serve “adult beverages”, they were enjoying the coffee and conversations of catching up with those they hadn’t seen from last years Fall Brunch or even......

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For those of us who have been blessed to live on or near North Myrtle Beach, the Shag dance and beach music have been ingrained in our hearts and souls. I grew up near Loris, only a few short miles form the Ocean Drive section of NMB. At an early age, my brother Tommy would sneak me into concerts to see groups, like The Drifters: The Tams and The Swinging Medallions, I was immediately hooked and my love affair with the Shag and its music was born. After graduating form Green Sea High,......

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Fall Migration Brunch by Wendy Schultz To See The Pictures of The Brunch – Click Here   The OD Shag Club Fall Migration Brunch was held at the OD Arcade and Lounge on Sunday September 20th at 1pm. Cindy Day and the Hospitality Committee volunteers worked very hard at check-in, we had a great turnout with 309 Members and Guests. The food was served by the Food Committee, which is Donnie Schultz and Faye Chowning, along with many volunteers. Mitch, Chris and the staff at the Arcade did a fantastic job providing Liquid......

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Hello fellow Shag Club members, my name is Bill Bacon and I am running for the office of Vice President of the O.D. Shag Club for 2016. To give you a little information about myself, I was born in Wilmington but grew up in Whitevillle, N.C., only about 42 miles from Ocean Drive. I knew when I came to O.D. for the first time, when I was about 5 years old, that one day I would live here and now I do! In high school we would come to the beach nearly every......

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DANCING AT THE PELICAN’S GAME by Lou Martino To see pictures of the Pelican’s Game … Click here   It was a blistering day at 89 degrees. The weatherman said we were supposed to have 50% chance of rain. Nonetheless the OD Shag Club Demo dancers and their supporters trickled up to will-call window to pick up their tickets to watch the Pelican’s double-header. We had 25 OD Shag club members in attendance. We were seated in section E between home plate and third base. It was hot until we got acclimated to......

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Diva Marathon by Linda Campbell Click here to see photos of this event   As the sun was rising on April 12th, almost 5000 men and women, most of them dressed in pink tutus, tiaras, and other motivating costumes, were preparing for the Divas Half Marathon and 5K race in North Myrtle Beach. The OD Shag Club dance team was also preparing at 6:30am to showcase the SC State Dance to these runners by “dancing on the streets” as they passed the Half way mark at Second Avenue and Hillside Dr for both races.......

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January 2022   Frank Costanza 1/1 Phil Inman 1/1 Kathy Moore 1/1 Rebecca Weber 1/2 Judy Cobb 1/4 John Setzer 1/5 Michael Sorick 1/5 Anne Wood 1/7 Blanca Kopels 1/8 Sharon Tatum 1/9 Linda Wilson 1/9 Mac McLeod 1/10 Ted Sobol 1/10 Sylvia Breeden 1/11 Margaret Cosgrove 1/11 Eddie Link 1/11 Linda Miller 1/12 Douglas Cooter 1/13 Debi Parker 1/14 Gay Rodey 1/14 Tom Matlock 1/16 Maryann Sevensky 1/16 Marti Hardee 1/17 Lou Garrenton 1/18 Carol Worrell 1/18 Phil Joyce 1/19 Randy Sherill 1/20 Aubrey Townsend 1/20 Karen Whittington 1/20 Glenn Strange 1/21......

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